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The Meaning, Examples, and Importance of Narrative Convention

Published by Eva Johnson at 5/22/2023
Importance of Narrative Convention

We keep so many untold stories inside of us, either purposely or because we are unable to converse them.

Storytelling is an art, and one must be an artist to express it properly. It takes solid talents to convey it effectively. As a student, you must grasp this art in certain respects in order to produce creative assignments, particularly those involving language. However, storytelling is not as simple as it appears, especially for new learners. Narrative conventions are particularly strongly renowned instrument for assisting you in learning storytelling. You can design a tale skillfully with the help of this tool.

The numerous narrative strategies also act as a checklist for writers, ensuring that their story is complete and covers all aspects of storytelling. Studying them is extremely useful when producing a creative item such as a narrative essay or short tale. Are you wondering about what these conventions are and how you can apply them? Read this blog all the way to the finish to learn about storytelling approaches and how to apply them through illustrations. But, before you start learning to employ narrative norms, you should first understand what they are.

What Is Narrative Convention, and Why Is It So Significant?

Before delving into narrative convention, consider what narrative writing is.

Narrative writing is a type of writing in which the author relates a story. It can take the form of films, articles, short tales, novels, or simply jokes. tale conventions are just tools that writers employ to produce an effective tale. No matter which of the above-mentioned types of literature you read, you will notice the use of narrative strategies.

They are the foundation of narrative storytelling and aid in generating a contextual rhythm to connect events. You are probably aware that narrative writing is an exceptionally imaginative kind of writing that necessitates delivering details to readers in an exciting and informative manner. While being creative, you must consider factors such as time, space, events, and so on. The aspects that deal with each of these points and contribute creativity to writing are known as narrative conventions. Let us investigate the various storytelling styles to have a better understanding.

The Six Narrative Conventions: What Are They?

Irrespective of the format, all effective writing includes six aspects of storytelling, also referred to as narrative strategies or conventions. The following set of narrative conventions should be kept in mind as you build your story:

1. Plot: The first narrative convention on our list is plot, which refers to the sequence of events in a story. Since every story moves in a specific manner, it is one of the most crucial parts of storytelling. It should be rational in order for your viewers to understand it successfully. If it is lacking, your tale will be intriguing. If the following stages are present in your narrative's storyline, we can say that it is a fascinating story that will appeal to readers:

  • Exposition
  • Complication
  • Climax
  • Falling tension
  • Denouncement

2. Theme: The theme, or central idea of the story, is another important component of the narrative convention. Writers can use symbols, illustrations, a great tone, and a decent academic writing style to clarify the story's theme. A write-up's theme might be expressed in a single word or phrase. Some typical themes are love, violence, war, youth's purity, tragedy, horror fiction and so forth. The following categories exist for themes:

  • The main theme is the one that runs throughout the novel.
  • Minor theme: A theme that is mentioned briefly in the story.

3. Setting: Every story is set in a distinct location and time. Setting in storytelling conventions refers to the period and location where the narrative occurs. It is entirely up to the writer to decide how to set the scene in the story. Setting, for example, can be distinct and specific, or broad and narrative. A suitable location aids the reader in visualising the story. There are three types of settings:

  • Destination Setting
  • Time Setting

4. Characters: Characters are the main parts of a story, and the narrative usually focuses around them. A story can include several characters, each with their own role and purpose. Typically, a narrative has two characters:

  • Protagonists are the major characters around whom the tale revolves. In general, they have good attributes.
  • Antagonists are the bad characters or villains who frequently cause conflict in the plot.

5. Conflict: Here comes the key point. A conflict is a gripping incident in the story that presents the characters with a struggle. Conflict represents one of the most significant elements in the list of narrative conventions. It is what accelerates the plot and adds excitement and interest to keep the reader interested. Typically, the protagonist is the one who encounters the struggle. Here are a couple of instances of disagreements:

  • Conflict with society
  • Conflict with self
  • Conflict with the environment

6. Point of View: One of the most important considerations that authors must make in narrative writing is the point of view from which they will narrate the story, as it is an important part of storytelling. The three points of view are as follows:

  • First Person
  • Second Person
  • Third Person

This is a list of the six narrative elements used in storytelling, as defined by narrative conventions. Consider these instances to better comprehend them.

Examples of Narrative Conventions

You can discover the above-mentioned narrative norms in any type of narrative composition, such as stories, novels, or films. Here are some instances of literary narrative conventions to help you understand the approach:

1. Plot: You can examine how the plot progresses in any type of fiction. For example, in Jane Eyre, the plot begins with Jane's childhood and progresses through her adolescence and maturity, describing the various challenges she confronts at each stage.

2. Theme: Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet explores the themes of a tragic story and romance.

3. Characters: Sherlock Holmes and Elizabeth Bennett are a few well-known literary characters with intriguing personalities.

4. Setting: The place in the book Robinson Crusoe, where the action happens on an island, is a good illustration of setting.

5. Conflict: A confrontation between humanity and the natural world is depicted in the book "Old Man and the Sea."

6. Point of view: Examples of narratives written in the first person are the book To Kill the Mockingbird and Gulliver's Travels, among others.

These illustrations would have improved the topic easier for you to understand and must have clarified what narrative conventions are. Read the next section if you're unsure of how to encompass narrative conventions in your piece of writing.

Writing Narrative Conventions: Having Trouble? You Can Get Our Help! We trust that by this point, you have a strong understanding of narrative conventions and their significance in literature. If you are well-versed in narrative conventions, you are able to convey a story in an engaging way and keep readers hooked all the way up to the conclusion. Contact us if you need assistance using storytelling approaches in your work.

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FAQs on Narrative convention

What are the rules of narrative?

A **Narrative convention ** include character, plot, writer's point of viewpoint, place, style, and topic. These are the methods an author employs in the story to broaden its appeal & increase its readership.

What does an narrative convention's story framework entail?

In a novel, the sequence in which events are arranged into a beginning, middle, and finish is commonly referred to as the plot structure or narrative structure. The way the storyline develops and how the viewer is exposed to the story's driving factors (characters, challenges, setting, etc.) are both directly impacted by the story's structure.

Eva Johnson

Greetings! My name is Eva Johnson, and I compose literature for a living. I pursued a Doctorate in creative writing after developing a lifetime love of literature, stories, and artistic expression. I became a full-time writing consultant at thanks to my love for creating original, educational content. Helping students with their academic writing assignments and getting top ratings is enjoyable. Over the years, my devotion has enabled me to publish my writing on numerous other reputable websites and online magazines. I enjoy reading, going on vacation adventures, and trying new foods while I'm not working. I want to read, learn, and experience more as I get older in order to better prepare myself for this ever-changing world.

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